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Which seat is best in flight for pregnant lady?


Plane travel is likely to be safe if you are pregnant and in good health. The best time to travel is possible during the second trimester. You should be free of morning sickness by now. Later on, your belly can make airport maneuvering more difficult.

However, before making a reservation, see your doctor and explain the trip in detail. If your doctor has given you the green light to fly, take some precautions before and during your flight to ensure your safety and well-being.

Air Carriers and Insurance Carriers both have policies that you can look into.

How to be comfortable on a plane while pregnant?

Before and during your ride, keep the following in mind:

Is it safe to travel on a plane during pregnancy?

Consult your doctor a few weeks (or months, if travelling internationally) before your flight. If you have a chronic medical condition, such as breathing difficulties, getting cleared for takeoff is particularly critical.

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