Do Porter airlines allow name changes?

Porter Airlines, a Canadian regional airline based in Toronto, does allow name changes on its flight tickets. One Question frequently asked by travelers is whether Porter provides name changes on their flights. In this blog, we will answer this Question and provides details on porter airline's name change, specific terms and conditions, policies, and fees associated with making a name change on Porter Airlines.

The Process for changing a name on a Porter Flight:

  • To make a name change on Porter Airlines, the passenger must contact the airline directly, either by phone or email.
  • The passenger will need to provide their booking reference number, the name on the flight ticket, and the new name they would like to change to.
  • The airline will then check the availability of the name change and will inform the passenger of the fee if any. The passenger can then proceed with the name change by making payment or may opt not to make the change.

Tips for making the name change on a Porter flight:

  • Contact Porter as soon as possible: to avoid any additional charges, it is best to contact Porter to make the changes. This will give the passenger the best chances to secure the seat.
  • Please provide accurate information: when you plan to change your name, it's better to collect all the information in advance.
  • Check Availability: Before making the name change, it is essential to check the availability of seats on the flight under the new name. This will avoid disappointment.

Terms and Conditions:

Porter Airlines has a strict policy on name changes and only allows them in certain circumstances. Name changes are only allowed if the passenger has made a mistake while booking the flight ticket since the booking was made. If a passenger requires a name change due to a misspelling, Porter Airlines may make the correction free of charge. However, if the passenger requires a name change for any other reason, they will need to pay a fee.

Policy Associated with Porter Flight:

Porter airlines name change policy requires passengers to inform the airline at least 24 hours before the flight departure time if they need to make a name change. Porter Airlines will make every effort to accommodate the name change request, but it is subject to availability. If the flight is fully booked, the name change request may not be possible, and the passenger may need to purchase a new ticket.

The fee associated with name changes:

Porter Airlines charges a fee for name changes on a flight ticket. The fee amount varies depending on the route and the time of booking. On average, the fee is around CAD 100 per passenger per change. The fee is non-refundable and is subject to change without notice.

Bottom Line

In conclusion, Porter Airlines does allow name changes on its flight tickets; passengers should inform the airline at least 24 hours before the flight departure time and should be prepared to pay a fee if the porter airlines name correction is required for reasons other than a misspelling. It is always best to double-check the name on the flight ticket at the time of booking to avoid the need for a name change and the associated fees.

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